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Dec 11, 2012

Dualism in secret services

Who has not heard at least once in life a conspiracy theory. Who has not heard of organizations such as the CIA, NSA, MI 6, etc., or: Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Vatican, etc?
Who has not heard of conspiracies: New Age, Jewish, Enlightenment, Freemasonry, aliens, Chinese, etc?
Perhaps only those people for whom nothing in the world that does not matter, except food, drink and entertainment.
For the rest: we live in a world of conspiracies and theories.

One world government, one language, one country, one will, one law, one nation: human nation. Is there anything wrong with this goal? Of course not. And yet, what’s wrong?
We must understand that our life regardless of how it looks – it could be worse. And this is why we should not push it. Compassion for all those unhappy countries living in poverty, where life is perhaps more difficult than in the Middle Ages, but it is all we can do. To dream with open eyes to the fact that one nation should be solve them – false. Total fake.
For a single nation requires one government, one form of leadership, power in the hands of a few people. And history has shown us hundreds of times what that means: disaster. And in this case: planetary disaster. Because power corrupts, and corrupts even if not, how do we know that the decisions of the powerful will always be right?

Dualism in the world of intelligence and secret organizations

Just as there are light and dark, hot and cold, good and evil, the same way there are secret organizations that want to do harm, and secret organizations countervailing actions of first.
Dozens of people engaged in a perfect machine, a planetary organization whose goal is the preservation of human society, failing attempts of others to destroy freedom and human dignity. A more powerful agency than Enlightenment, Church, Masons, Jews, bilderberg, and anything else. That’s because good is always stronger.
Yet, if such agency does not yet exist, it must invented  emergency. Otherwise hope of humanity is in danger.

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